The difference between 36 volt light strips and 220 volt light strips

2024/04led strip light source

The difference between 6-volt light strips and 220-volt light strips is the voltage used, which also leads to differences in their range of use, brightness, power consumption and safety. According to the specific usage scenarios and needs, you can choose suitable light strips to meet your needs.

low voltage light strip

A 6-volt light strip means that its working voltage is 36 volts and usually needs to be used with a 36V DC power supply. This kind of light strip is usually suitable for smaller places or occasions that require low voltage output, such as lighting, decoration or LED screens. Since the voltage of 36V is lower, it is also safer and poses relatively less risk to personal safety. In addition, the brightness of 36-volt light strips is relatively low, but it consumes less power and can save energy.

220V high voltage light strip

A 220-volt light strip means that its working voltage is 220 volts and usually needs to be used with a 220V AC power supply. This kind of light strip is usually suitable for large places or occasions that require high brightness output, such as commercial advertising, stage lighting or outdoor architectural lighting. Because the voltage of 220V is relatively high, its safety is relatively low, and you need to pay attention to the safety of the circuit when using it. In addition, the 220-volt light strip has higher brightness, but the power consumption is correspondingly larger and consumes more electricity.